UMD: Besimi Incident a National Disgrace

The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) condemns the actions of the Macedonian Minister of Defense Fatmir Besimi in paying respect to the fallen fighters of the NLA that engaged in terrorist acts against Macedonia in 2001.
Last week, in the village of Slupchane, on the day that marked the 11th anniversary of the controversial Ohrid Framework Agreement, a government delegation headed by Minister Besimi, together with several uniformed soldiers from the Macedonian Army, laid wreaths at a memorial for the fallen Albanian terrorists who kidnapped, tortured and murdered innocent civilians, and who ambushed and killed Macedonian Army soldiers.
The anniversary of the signing of the controversial Ohrid Framework Agreement, which ended the 2001 conflict, should have provided a unique opportunity for Macedonian politicians of Albanian heritage to demonstrate their commitment toward their homeland by building a strong multicultural Macedonia.  Instead, Minister Besimi chose to honor those who fought using terrorist attacks against Macedonian uniformed personnel.
“These actions are unacceptable, and Macedonian citizens and political leaders should hold their politicians accountable for their actions,” said UMD President Metodija A. Koloski.  “What the U.S. Embassy in Skopje called ‘visionary’ is in fact the complete opposite.  If Minister Besimi or any politician in Macedonia of Albanian heritage wants to be a visionary, he or she should start by working toward the common interests of all Macedonian citizens, and not engage in divisive acts catering to ethnic interests.”


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